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Ausdance ACT Director chats to ABC Afternoons on Returning to In-Person Dance (9 Nov)

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 11 November
Ease of Restrictions

Ausdance On Dancer Wellbeing Publication

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 1 Nov
COVID Safe Events Update for the ACT

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 28 October
Update on community use of public school facilities

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 15 October
Vaccination status guidance for businesses.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 14 October
Lockdown ending, restrictions apply, get ready to reopen - ensure your COVID Safety Plan is in place.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 13 October
Mandatory vaccination for workers in certain education settings.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update Two 12 October
From 29 October private lessons and partner dancing can resume.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update One 12 October
Community hiring of school facilities continue to be suspended until otherwise directed by the ACT Education Directorate.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 9 October
Ausdance ACT summarise ACT Sport and Recreation pathway out of lockdown, as it applies to the dance sector.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 7 October
Commonwealth Government co-funded COVID-19 Business Support Grants - applications close 7 October.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update Two 30 September

Additional ACT COVID-19 Business Support Grant Extension payment.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update One 30 September
Key takeaways for the dance sector from the ACT Government pathway forward announcement.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 27 September
ACT Government release pathway forward out of lockdown | What this means for the dance sector.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 21 September
Seek expertise and advice through: Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 20 September
TBC - COVID-19 Tourism, Accommodation Provider, Arts and Events and Hospitality Grant.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 24 August
Ausdance ACT share advice from DanceSurance regarding insurance cover and the provision of online dance classes.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 27 August
Gyms and dance schools will be able to have up to two people attend premises for the purpose of filming, live streaming, or broadcasting to patrons.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 16 August
Announcement - Government support for local businesses.

Ausdance ACT COVID Update 12 August
The ACT is entering a seven day lockdown from 5pm tonight, 12 August 2021.

Ausdance ACT Free Online Open Classes

Coffee with Dr. Cathy - Sector Zoom Meetings

Coffee with Dr. Cathy 11 Oct - ‘Planning End of Year Shows - post lockdown’​

Coffee with Dr. Cathy 4 Oct - 'The Art of Rescheduling: Delivering Live Dance Performance'

Coffee with Dr. Cathy 13 Sep - 'Challenges of Online Dance Teaching'

Keep Dancing! Your Guide to Online Dance

Ausdance ACT Dance Sector Financial Support Infographic

Ausdance ACT Jesse & Joel Rasmussen Online Masterclass (Hip Hop, Tap & Career Advice)

Care to dance? The benefits of online Ausdance ACT's dance classes in Canberra's lockdown

Ausdance ACT Director chats to ABC Afternoon about how you can keep dancing during lockdown

2020 Ausdance Return To Dance Principle and Framework for Restarting Dance Activities Post COVID-19

Ausdance Online delivery of dance classes and tutorials

Ausdance Covid-19 – cleaning your dance floor

Ausdance ACT Small Arts Fund (Closed)

Ausdance ACT acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of this land and all first nations Elders past present and future.

Ausdance ACT supported by

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© Ausdance ACT ABN: 36 761 984 224

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