Ausdance ACT is pleased to announce our Link-d Youth Scholarships in partnership with Project Beats Dance Studio.
Ausdance ACT's Link-d Program connects professional dance artists and community dancers with refugees and was supported by artsACT Community Outreach Arts Funding. The first stage (2019) was in partnership with Companion House and involved training dance professionals in refugee experiences and issues, especially trauma. Further training during 2021 Australian Dance Week was also provided.
The scholarships are to be used for tuition at Project Beats Dance Studio. Chippy Lo, Director of Project Beats, participated in the first stage of Link-d in 2019 and has significant experience working with young people to learn, create and perform dance relevant to them.
There are two Youth Scholarship tuition packages offered:
1) Student Beast Package (Unlimited class for a term = value $1,180) plus 1 student standard enrolment, Ausdance ACT membership and Project Beats merchandise.
2) Project Beats Package (2 classes per term = value $380) plus 1 student standard enrolment, Ausdance ACT membership and Project Beats merchandise.
- Applicants must be aged 6 to 21 years
- Residing in the ACT or close by
- Scholarship must be used in 2021 calendar year
- Applications close Friday 18th June
Both Ausdance and Project Beats will be part of the selection process.
Please contact us if you have any questions, or need help with this process, email