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Dance & Theatre Creation Workshop with House of Sand

The House of Sand Workshop was inspiring and refreshing! The perfect intensive for performance practice and creative processes led very talented and entertaining artists.

The morning session with Eliza was greatly inspired by discovering our personal approach to movement improvisation and how to develop our unique movement vocabulary through our senses and perception. Special focus was then given to a section choreography from the company's new show ‘That was Friday’. A beautiful expansive movement phrase expressing the moment of liberation and release of a character’s held tension and insecurity.

Charley Sanders and Ketura Budd (You Are Here) took us into an immersive afternoon, sharing their particular approach on how they make theatre and the importance of ethics along each production. We explored some theatre tasks, discussed ideas on how to practice and approach the creation of a short script and how to play with it and seeing it reinterpreted by others. The day just flew!


Bangarra Dance Theatre Masterclass

We were thrilled to host Bangarra Dance Theatre for a masterclass for local dancers.


Bangarra is committed to engaging with the community beyond their performance season and we are so grateful for the generosity of company members, Ryan Pearson, Kallum Goolagong and Maddison Paluch who we worked with today.


A big congratulations to the participating dancers from Dance Development Centre, Canberra Girls Grammar School, Passion & Purpose, Alfred Deakin High School, Calwell High School, St Mary MacKillop College Canberra, The Training Ground, Dance Northside, Kim Harvey School of Dance, Dream Danz Studios and Acclaim Adcc who brought an incredible energy and enthusiasm with them.

Photo Daniel Boud

Site-Specific Solo Composition Dance in Nature Workshop

Debora Di Centa and Helena Maria da Costa's Site-specific Solo Composition Dance in Nature Workshop was our last offering during Australian Dance Week and a fabulous way to wrap up celebrations.


On a perfect autumn day in Justice Robert Hope Park participants gathered to experience, explore and express ideas, emotions and sensations completely inspired by nature and the surroundings.


We entered the park with a silent walk, then explored how to move in relation to trees and the grass, air and sky. Maintaining a sense of wonder and complete openness, we developed short solo compositions and shared and explained our intentions through the short dance works to others. It was profound and beautiful and we all felt happy, energised and with some more ideas to work on in our personal practice.

Photo Credit: Cathy Adamek

Chinese Tiger & Lion Dance Workshop

During Australian Dance Week, Ausdance ACT held the Chinese Tiger and Lion workshop at Gorman Arts Centre with Canberra Dragon Dance. It was full of colour, variety and a great workout.


We started with a lion dance demonstration designed to ward off evil spirits, with percussion that brought everyone outside at Gorman Arts Centre to look!


We then used hoops as a way of practicing the moves without the headdress then everyone had a turn learning how to dance with the lion head on, which was a tremendous work out with the upper body.


We then moved outside into the sunny courtyard to learn a dragon dance with mini kite dragons we learnt to walk and twirl like gymnastics ribbon twirling. Rex the instructor also demonstrated the martial arts tiger form. It was very entertaining and all ages participated.


Photo Credit: Natsuko Yonezawa

Songlines & Dance Cycles Workshop of Murrin Murrin (7 sisters) from QLD - Women's Workshop

In February we presented the first workshop in our new series collaborating with Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centres - 'Songlines & Dance Cycles of Murrin Murrin (7 sisters) from QLD - Women's Workshop'.


Guided by the amazing Gemma Cronin, assisted by Karen Roberts, we entered into a sacred place where ancient knowledge was shared. We listened and learnt and we danced in a circle. Children, teenagers, young and mature women and every movement carried a special message.


The workshop was powerful, meaningful and emotional. We came together to celebrate, understand and remember that everything is connected.


We all left refreshed and happy and thank Gemma and Karen for sharing and the workshop participants for joining us.

Acrobatics Workshop with Jake Silvestro

We had a fantastic time in March at our Acrobatics Workshop with Jake Silvestro at Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centre.


The workshop focused on how to approach the floor, continuing momentum and supported tumbling and inspired new movement pathways through play in a guided setting. Participants also gained insight into Jake's creative process.

Photo Credit: Emma Dykes

Ausdance ACT’s Workshop Series is presented with support from Arts Capital at Gorman Arts Centre.

Ausdance ACT acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of this land and all first nations Elders past present and future.

Ausdance ACT supported by

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© Ausdance ACT ABN: 36 761 984 224

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