​Calling all Youth Dance Festival Supporters, Alumni and Friends!
2024 marks an incredible 40 years of running our Youth Dance Festival at Canberra Theatre Centre. We need your help to survive the next 40 years and give inclusive access to all students who want to perform!
Ausdance ACT is a small-non-for-profit arts organisation who produces Youth Dance Festival at risk. We thank the generations of people who have given their voluntary time to build YDF since 1984, but this expectation is no longer sustainable.
Post-COVID expenses have skyrocketed. Canberra Theatre Centre is home to YDF and we want to be able to continue to provide the capacity and professional setting for the next generation of young performers.
We want to keep ticket prices and school entry fees affordable. We have a commitment to access and inclusivity, with students of all abilities encouraged to perform.
Ausdance ACT receives some funding from artsACT, and are grateful for their ongoing support of our organisation, however YDF is run almost entirely on box office and buy-in from performing arts teachers in secondary schools and colleges in the ACT and we thank all those teachers for their ongoing commitment to YDF, encouraging the enthusiasm of all students who want to dance.
The Australian Cultural Fund (ACF) is a fundraising platform for Australian artists. ACF have approved us for support with 100% of donations going directly towards our creative project.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Please donate. All donations greatly received, no amount too small.
Our Australian Cultural Fund Fundraising Campaign for Youth Dance Festival is now closed.
We thank our donors:
​Glenys Harris, Roslyn Dundas, Deidre Adamek, Writing with Light, Justine Lennane, Delia O'Hara, Charmaine Hallam, Dr Elizabeth Cameron Dalman OAM, Jessica Coates, Philip Piggin, Amelia Allarakhia, Andrew Sikorski as well as all our anonymous supporters.